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item no. 10-040
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Crude Tall Oil S

Product Datasheet

Item number: 10-040




General Information


Crude Tall Oil (CTO) is obtained from the wood pulping industry. It is a dark brown viscous liquid extracted and processed from softwoods and hardwoods. Crude Tall Oil has a complex composition of fatty acids, resin acids and neutrals.


Crude Tall Oil is suitable for distillation or other applications. Since being nature born material it has variation in its physical and chemical properties and figures below are meant to be only typical for Crude Tall Oil.




Typical Analyses of Crude Tall Oil





Viscosity (at 99 °C)


50 – 60

Fatty Acid


47 – 57

Rosin Acid


35 – 45

Saponification Number


167 – 177



< 0.2

Soap Content


< 0.1

Acid Number


150 – 180

Moisture content


< 2.0




Product handling


Crude Tall Oil should be delivered at around 60 °C and the recommended minimum storage temperature is 40 °C. If Crude Tall Oil is subjected to cold temperatures during storage or transportation it may become viscous or show some precipitation or crystallization. This is a normal characteristic and not a defect. If affected the material should be gently heated to max. 75 °C and circulated or agitated to restore the original condition.

Delivery form


Bulk liquid in road tanker, rail tank wagon or ISO-container.




In all applications of Crude Tall Oil it is the sole responsibility of the buyer to respect and comply with any valid intellectual property rights of third parties.








UCY Energy Group
For any questions do not hesitate to contact us: info@ucy-energy.com 
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last update: Dezember 28, 2018