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UCY ENERGY develops and builds wind farms


UCY ENERGY consultans in terms of wind energy - investors and industry


UCY ENERGY is one of the leading players in the German market for renewable energies



An early feed-in law for wind electricity has existed in Germany since 1991. The Renewable Energy Sources Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz / EEG) came into force in 2000. Since then, under EEG regulations electricity produced from renewable energy sources is given priority for grid connection, grid access in either distribution and transmission grid, and power dispatch. Grid operators are obliged to feed in electricity produced from renewable energy and buy it at a minimum price within their supply area. The regulation also introduced a German-wide scheme to equalise these costs incurred by grid operators, as the amount of energy from renewables being fed into the system differs in the various regions. The law was amended during 2008.







UCY Energy Group













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last update: Dezember 28, 2018