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palm oil
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palm oil specifications


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palm oil specifications


UCY ENERGY supplies palm oil CPO and RBD


Palm oil is an edible plant oil derived from the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm Elaeis guineensis.

Palm oil is naturally reddish because it contains a high amount of beta-carotene (though boiling palm oil destroys the beta-carotene, rendering the oil colourless). Palm oil is one of the few vegetable oils relatively high in saturated fats (like palm kernel oil and coconut oil). It is thus semi-solid at typical temperate climate room temperatures, though it will more often appear as liquid in warmer countries. 

Palm oil contains several saturated and unsaturated fats in the forms of lauric (0.1%, saturated), myristic (0.1%, saturated), palmitic (44%, saturated), stearic (5%, saturated), oleic (39%, monounsaturated), linoleic (10%, polyunsaturated), and linolenic (0.3%, polyunsaturated) acids. Like any vegetable oils, palm oil is designated as cholesterol-free, though saturated fat intake increases both LDL and HDL cholesterol.




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last update: Dezember 28, 2018