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UCY ENERGY develops and builds wind farms


UCY ENERGY consultans in terms of wind energy - investors and industry


UCY ENERGY is one of the leading players in the German market for renewable energies



The domestic market has been very stable in recent years and will even rise again once the administrative hurdles such as general distance regulations and height limits have been overcome and construction can continue. This is mainly a political issue. National and Federal State targets for renewable electricity require a growing contribution of wind energy in Germany.


According to calculations from BWE the overall German onshore capacity could be at 45,000 MW, with an additional 10,000 MW offshore wind. With a generation of approximately 150 TWh/year wind energy could deliver 25 % of the German electricity consumption by this time.







UCY Energy Group










For any questions do not hesitate to contact us: info@ucy-energy.com 
Copyright © 1999-2019 UCY Energy - UCY business services & trading GmbH
last update: Dezember 28, 2018