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recycled fuel oil
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UCY ENERGY supplies recycled fuel oil


UCY ENERGY supplies recyled fuel oil, either in ISO tanks or via road tanker


UCY ENERGY is one of the major suppliers for fuel oil on the European market



Our "recycled fuel oil" is a blend of about 90 % mineral oil-based fuel oil and about 10 % vegetable oil. The result is a blend which is extremly low of sulphur although having a high burning value. For details please have a look and the specification enclosed.


The recycled fuel oil is in a price range which is even lower than the price range of animal fat. It can be used for large diesel engines or for burning and power plants. While having normal room temperatures, the product is liquid and has a deep black color.We are happy to receive your inquieries: thilo.schneider@ucy-energy.com



specification recyled ruel oil (1,2 MB)



If a mineral oil product is not a product you are considering to use, we would like to recommend our "bio heating oil A2" to you. The bio heating oil A2 is a pure bio product without mineral oil.




For any questions do not hesitate to contact us: info@ucy-energy.com 
Copyright © 1999-2019 UCY Energy - UCY business services & trading GmbH
last update: Dezember 28, 2018