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Tall Oil Rosin
oil and fat gas coal and coke biomass power chemicals project development service

specificaton UCY-TOR-85 specification UCY-TOR-90


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specificaton UCY-TOR-85
specification UCY-TOR-90


UCY ENERGY supplies Tall Oil Rosin (TOR) for a variety of applications


Tall Oil Rosin (TOR) is a primary product from the distillation of CTO. It is produced, stored, and transported as a liquid, at elevated temperatures, which provides clear advantages to end users. The product range comprises materials which are light in colour and have a high level of rosin acids and low level of fatty acids.

The rosin acid composition and reactivity of Forchem’s TOR products are comparable to gum rosin and they are unmodified so as to provide a cost-effective and flexible starting point for many end applications and customer-specific processes.



product data sheet Tall Oil Rosin UCY-TOR-85, item number 10-014 (79 KB)


product data sheet Tall Oil Rosin UCY-TOR-90, item number 10-015 (79 KB)









UCY Energy Group


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last update: Dezember 28, 2018