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coconut methyl ester
oil and fat gas coal and coke biomass power chemicals project development service

item number 30-002 item number 30-003


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item number 30-002
item number 30-003


UCY ENERGY supplies cocnut methyl ester in tank containers


CME is the acronym for Coconut Methyl Ester or Coco-Biodiesel. Biodiesel, on the other hand, is the international name for methyl ester when used as diesel fuel or enhancer. Beside the usage as fuel (CME is much more expensive than other methyl esters such as RME) Coconut Methyl Ester is often used as a raw material in the oleochemical industry.


UCY ENERGY supplies the following specifications of Coconut Methyl Ester:



specification C12-C18 stripped coconut methyl ester, item number 30-002 (78 KB)


specification C8-C18 coconut methyl ester, item number 30-003 (78 KB)




For any questions do not hesitate to contact us: info@ucy-energy.com 
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last update: Dezember 28, 2018